“Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.”
I help with both.
“Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.”
I help with both.

“It’s important to try to understand each person individually. What works for one may not work for another. So when it comes to communication, you have to be as nimble as possible. Don’t be too rigid in your style.” – Martha Payne
Our goal is to simplify and put structure around your decision-making process. We enjoy helping you answer some of life’s what ifs and overcome any potential challenges you might face.
Chances are you’ve made a number of individual decisions; and maybe you’ve done some planning already. But do you know how it all fits together?
Think of one thing that’s happening in your life now or that you anticipate in the next year. Are you confident you’ll make the right choices or that you’ve thought through all the potential outcomes? What’s the impact if things don’t go as planned?
“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.”
Chances are you will not only feel better, but you may also do better, when you know what you have and can see it all in one place. My goal is to help put the pieces together so you can have more confidence in your financial plan. By collaborating with your other advisors, I aim to provide coordinated advice about your estate, taxes, investments, and other financial matters. And because we are fiduciaries to our advisory clients, we strive to put your interests ahead of our own.
Together we will address what is important, before it becomes urgent; because financial planning is too complex and too important to manage on your own.
“Without strategy, execution is aimless. Without execution, strategy is useless. “
While our process starts with a plan, that’s not where it ends.
Complete and careful implementation of your plan is key.
We take a comprehensive look at your financial life, helping you understand how decisions you make today may impact your future. Our approach and process is well-defined and time-tested. We develop a plan and strategy to help you meet your short and long term goals; from saving for education and planning for retirement to managing your cash flow, taxes, investments, and insurance. Our goal is to be your guide through life’s journeys.
Once we know where we’re going, we need money to get us there. That’s why we invest your money according to your plan. It’s important to have an appropriate model and strategy, consistent with your goals, time horizon and risk tolerance. We will evaluate your existing investments, develop an asset management approach, and determine an appropriate tax-efficient asset accumulation and distribution plan. Our customized portfolios, managed by institutional investment management firms, are designed to match your plan.
We help to ensure your income, assets and investments are protected, so that what’s of value to you will be there when you need it. We work to stay ahead of legislative changes, product updates and wealth transfer strategies to offer you the best advice for your situation. Our independence allows us to offer customized and creative solutions focusing solely on your best interest.
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Martha Payne
Integrated Financial Partners
Mailing Address:
200 5th Ave Suite 4010, Waltham, MA 02451
Meeting Location:
770 Legacy Place, 2nd Floor, Dedham, MA 02026
Phone: (617) 341-8162
Email: [email protected]
© 2022 Martha Payne All rights reserved